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Linde for the Environment: CleanUp Action Along the Isar

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Directly by the Isar: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QKD5yWguf7Hz3rnz6


Bucket in one hand, grabber in the other, and off we go! The excitement grows, and the fun doesn’t fall short during this team challenge with Cleanup Munich. For this environmental action, we’ll meet at the Thalkirchener Bridge to clean up along the Isar riverbank in Munich and properly dispose of the collected trash. With team challenges, music, and plenty of fun, we’ll free our beautiful city from bottle caps, cigarette butts, single-use cups, and all kinds of litter. By taking part, you’ll help make a positive impact on the environment and ensure a successful afternoon. The cleanup will start at 3PM and end around 6 PM.

Together, we’ll not only reduce waste in our urban environment but also raise awareness about littering. The goal of this young NGO is to provide tips for sustainable resource use and encourage as many people as possible to join the effort—without being preachy.

PLEASE NOTE: Wear weather-appropriate clothing—depending on the forecast, a rain jacket or sun protection might be useful, and sturdy shoes (no sandals) are a must. Cleanup materials will be provided on-site, but please remember to bring enough water to stay hydrated.

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